And the bullshit continues...
Iraq Base Was Hit By Suicide Attack, U.S. General Says ( "Myers, appearing at the news conference with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, said the attack was 'the responsibility of the insurgents, the same insurgents who attacked on 9/11. The way you prevent this is to win the war on extremism.'"
So the hijackers who flew four planes into the WTC, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field were prescient insurgents who saw trouble coming and took the battle to the heart of the occupiers a full year and a half before they were occupied. Nostradamus move over.
1 comment:
I saw a poll a while back that some large percentage of Americans believe Iraq was behind 9/11. Unless you parse GB's text carefully, it's an easy conclusion to jump to, and that some dumb fuck in the military did so is hardly surprising. Of course the truth is that Dick Cheney masterminded the whole thing.
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