Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm tire of looking at my last post

My last post was starting to bother me. I'm tire of looking at it.

Ehtozed is nothing more than a portable list of favourites. I don't post to it anymore. At least not with any sort of regularity. For that matter I never did post on a regular basis. Problem: if I'm a writer, why don't I write?

For now I'll just have to let that thought percolate through my fuzzy grey-matter. At some point the synapses will all come together in the right combination and I'll be able to move forward. For now though I'll just stew.

Hmmm. Stewing is something I find myself doing a fair amount of in this space. It usually follows an extended time since my last post, like now, and ends with a promise to do more. Not this time.

Somewhere out there, on another blog with an address ending in the classic, or ubiquitous, extension, are semi-regular postings from my brother. His original blogspot had one entry, "nothing to see here. move along," or something to that effect, yet he has moved along and now seems able to be partly committed to adding to his thread in a more-or-less regular fashion. That's something to consider.

For now I will leave things to stew. And at the very least, I won't be facing the same old stale post of a woman who was...ah never mind.