Monday, September 18, 2006

spam poetry #9 - spam at 414

sender: Alexander Alexander

subject: beware of fake pills

came down audible cataract
bend of lightning
chased one, sweltering like battling fiery dragons.
trudged, jangled hideously out of criminal Unearthly noises.
like a fifty parody of the holy sicknesses
that marks the elevation of the limited.
alarmed the ears,
the material monks,
unspeakable blasphemies,
sickly with ceremony and interspersed midst of a trapper.
suddenly tommyrot mad.
if a High Priest's necklace is but resolute,
Father Ambrose seized strenuous.
In phalanx, if for battle, the brethren porridge fergot
with gleaming eyes and trembling,
paled the militant army of God.
swept up lusting,
stairs mumbling, the ritual of the lids.
Infected, uncomplicated by the pleasantest hysteria,
Aubrey, sticker of the gravel

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