Friday, February 25, 2005

nothing new here

As far as the Voice goes, nothing to report on this week. We're taking a brief holiday, but will return in a week.

As far as the rest of the world goes, just a bunch more of the usual nonsense. Where do I start?

Paul Martin is a fool. He spent a long time waiting to be PM and now that he's at the pinnacle of Canadian politics he seems to have forgotten what the point was. I have a hint for you Paul: vision. You gotta have vision.

Martin has spent so much time waffling that no one in the country - and I would suggest this includes Martin himself - has a clue what he stands for or what he is working towards. He sits on the fence for so long, on so many issues, that he probably has a picket wedged...well it wouldn't be polite to finish that comment, but you probably get the point. Hopefully he does. And what is the deal with missile defence?

George Bush is a fool, but for completely different reasons. Where Martin arrived at his foolishness by breathing the noxious fumes of Jean Chretien for too many years, Bush arrived at his foolishness through, well, he was just born a fool. And apparently half of all Americans are fools as well.

Gordon Campbell is a fool. The margarita swilling premier is using taxpayer money to push a liberal agenda. Government advertisements (propaganda) telling British Columbians how great the government has managed their affairs (creative accounting) are so patently partisan that you might think an election is coming up. Oh shit, one is. What a surprise.

It's too bad that judge in Ontario ruled the courts weren't able to hold politicians accountable to their campaign promises. Then again, it gives the electorate another kick at the can. Elections seem to be a mechanism of self-flagelation for the body-politic. People boot one man out to give another man a chance and then boot the new guy out to give another guy a chance. It's like going back to the spoiled milk day after day to see if the sour is gone.

The sour never goes away.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God for leaders like Gordon Campbell who are willing to grab the health care / teachers unions by the scalp and hold their heads up while everyone else takes turns kicking their teeth down their throats.